Guide for setting up stb emulator,
Install app
Press menu on left hand side
Click change profile data and rename (optional)
Click portal settings and enter
in the portal url
Go back to menu and click on stb configuration and click stb model and find which one works best for you, I would suggest mag 254.
Back out again and set screen resolution to auto.
You will see mac address in this menu as well, take note of that as we will need that to add it to the panel (provide this in your account details or follow instructions below) then go back out to main screen and click the menu on the right hand side and select media player and make sure it's ljk player (default) there are a few options her best bet is play and see what works for you.
Back out to main screen and click menu and reload portal and if all went well you will have the portal loaded and all working if it's not working you have missed something out.